
ADS Dyno Cell

This is where we conduct our own research & development and prove our ideas

Our cell has been in operation since 2002, with the addition of the separate customer viewing room (complete with HD CCTV and dyno displays) which was added in 2015 as part of a refresh.


ADS Cooling & Extraction Fans

Our legendary cooling and extraction fans keep the cell at ambient pressure and temperature with never more than a +3C increase above outdoors (even with 1000hp) and noise levels are contained wo well within local authority as well as HSE guidelines


Cell design

Here is an example of a cell, where we provided the complete dyno, cooling and ventilation, as well as the original concept and design, and we worked closely with our clients own local contractors.

‘After having tested our own dyno in a self-contained cell, Clive was smitten by the idea of having a dedicated test cell instead of current set-up of operating the dyno in his open workshop.

Clive emailed a basic hand drawn plan of the building as well as several digital photos.

From this we trialled several different layouts, all of which seemed to waste quite a bit of space given the fixed layout of the current, reception area & toilets.

We approached Clive, to see if there was any reason a new (additional) doorway could not be cut in the front wall. Clive replied he couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this – simple but effective.

A new external doorway was grafted in place, and the cell constructed & finished off to probably one of the highest specifications in the UK.

Throughout the build, we were on hand to provide information on cost effective use of readily available materials, and more often these cells far surpass dedicated custom acoustic enclosures (costing 5 times more) when the correct techniques are employed.

It still looks and functions as well now as it did when installed around 12 years ago, which is testament to not only the design and construction, but Clive’s high standards and attention to detail.